Theatre ENTROPIA launched its new international production «P.I.G.S. / Sotiria»
(Concept - Director: Marilli Mastrantoni).
The acronym Ρ.Ι.G.S. (Portugal - Ireland - Greece - Spain), which has been used by bond analysts, investors' circles and financial commentators as a concise manner of reference to the economically weaker countries of the Eurozone, consists a contemporary version of the historic, sociological phenomenon of the invocation of negative national stereotypes in crucial periods. Its most dangerous expression is the dispute of the human nature of fellow human beings through the verbal violence of "dehumanization".
Using the term as pretext, we will attempt to raise reasonable questions about the maturity of Europe's political civilization and try to address them in a playful and humorous manner, to investigate the current financial, political and social crisis, to debate the stereotypes of the past and to reflect on our vision for the future. Groups and artists in the field of Performing Arts, as well as theorists, activists and citizens from different parts of Europe, will be invited to participate in the process and the final forum. The Project will be developed through research laboratories and residencies in Ireland, Portugal, Denmark, Italy and Greece, in collaboration with local artists and organizations and will climax in Athens in October 2013.
With the support: